Goins, R. (2013) – An Examination of Guided Imagery and Its Relationship to Self-Efficacy and the Implications for Employability In College Graduates Seeking Employment. Capella University Dissertation.
Goins, R. (2007, July). Empowering and valuing employees; the role of industrial and organizational psychology in the workplace. Helium Online.
Goins, R. (2008). Cognitive Psychology – The brain and it’s role in memory. Helium Online magazine.
Goins, R. (2008). Men and women are wired differently – current research on brain function and gender. Helium Online.
Goins, R. (2008). The integration of the field of social psychology within executive coaching as it pertains to client self-perception. Helium Online.
Smooth Transition monthly publication distributed quarterly
Goins, R., Killidar A. (2014). HIRE ME (Hope In Reaching Employment Mastery Educational) Curriculum. Riverside County Department of Social Services job retraining curriculum
Goins, R., Fitzgerald, E. (2014). Employer Needs Assessment Report. Riverside County Department of Social Services
Goins, R (2014). Accredited Curriculum Development Techniques. Smooth Transition, Inc.
2014 - Inland Empire employer needs assessment. Developed and administered an employer assessment tool designed to assess employer needs and employment gaps in Riverside County for the Department of Social Services. Statistically analyzed those gaps as a means to better determine the job training needs in the County of Riverside.
2012 – Current. Federal Workforce Innovation Grant, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial County Workforce Investment Board. Developed and administered 675 assessments (pretest and posttest) for extremely displaced youth ages 16-24 for career development self-efficacy levels, perceived self-value and perceived barriers to achievement upon receipt of life coaching.
2009 – Current. Smooth Transition Inc, - Acting president and researcher for program development and grant writing for non-profit operations.
2007 – Ongoing: Gerson Lehrman Realty Group – Conduct regular research for the building and construction industry. Also a consultant for their education and scholar tier councils.
2007 – Ongoing: McGraw Hill Vista Society of Industry Leaders – acting consultant and conducting research on various topics.
Goins, R. (2006). Research Proposal to Discredit the Validity and Reliability of Psychological Testing and Assessment in Employment Placement and Job Performance Appraisal Across All Populations. Capella University Master’s Thesis.